Be Meditation: A Visit with Katie Swartz


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Katie Swartz is founder and CEO of Be Meditation. In this interview with Krysta, find out what Be Meditation is, how Katie started it, and  how you can overcome some of the barriers to meditation.

Katie Swartz is the founder and CEO of BE Meditation

Founder and CEO of Be Meditation, Katie Swartz brings experience and training in the areas of executive leadership, psychology, meditation and the neurobiology of relationship. In 2007, after 17 years immersed in a corporate career, Katie began a private counseling and consulting practice. Her corporate leadership experience was vital in her work with executive clients and their families.

Meditative techniques and meditation have been an integral part of her work with clients as well as her own personal journey for over 20 years. Relationship counseling, both with individuals and teams, has been a cornerstone for her practice, research, and training. With this focus, she has developed an intuitive ability to see patterns and reshape relationships into healthy dynamics, both with individuals and teams.

Creating Be Corporate Offerings and Be Virtual Meditation Studio is a direct response to the challenges surfacing over and over in the lives of the people she served. 

You can reach Katie via her website, email at or directly at 206-794-2717.



About Author

Krysta Gibson is publisher of “New Spirit Journal” as well as an author, spiritual teacher and mentor. To learn about her various services and programs visit .

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