Opening the Akashic Records


Opening the Akashic Records
Meet Your Record Keepers and Discover Your Soul’s Purpose
by Maureen J. St. Germain
Bear and Co.

The words Akashic Records have been used a lot lately. People offer readings and workshops but how much do we really know about what these records are, what they mean, and how to access them? This is a new book that does exactly that. We’re told that the Akashic Records hold the recording of our soul’s journey to include past, present, and probable future. Understanding our records can help us navigate our lives better by having greater self-understanding.

Maureen St. Germain has been working with the records for many years and has a lot of experience with her own records as well as with those of many clients and students. She writes that the Ascended Masters have opened access to the Akashic Records for all of humanity and are ready and willing to help people use this information for soul growth.

The books offers a step-by-step guide for accessing your own records and for doing this for others. We’re given dos and don’ts, prayers to use, and specific steps to take in order to access and use the information wisely. If you’re curious about the Akashic Records and would like to know more, Opening the Akashic Records is a great book that will help you learn more and actually access your own Records.


About Author

Krysta Gibson is publisher of “New Spirit Journal” as well as an author, spiritual teacher and mentor. To learn about her various services and programs visit .

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