The Essence of the Essence of Love


If we look at the definition of the word presence, it means “now.” Masters for eons have been guiding us in the art of being here now. Yet if presence is to be here now, then what is being? Looking at Webster’s Dictionary, we discover that being means “essence.” So then to be present is actually “pre-essence.” Presence is required to notice essence. Now, if being means “essence,” what does human being mean? If we look at the words hu-man-being, we discover that Hu in Sanskrit means “love song to God.” And in Webster’s Dictionary, man means “living soul,” which means “essence.” And being means “consciousness,” which also means “essence.” Furthermore, we discover that essence actually means “love!” Isn’t it amazing that right here encoded in the very namesake given to us as a collective species there is a continual reminder of our true nature. Now if we are the essence of the essence of love, then what is this love the essence of? What is that which is subtler, so subtle yet unfathomably powerful, barely perceivable yet profound? What is minute yet infinitely expanded, free of self-imposed limitations in this coherent field of love?

These subtleties I speak of are the essential qualities that comprise the soul. This is the breath that breathes the breath, the substance and quality of the subtle body of our soul. It both individuates us and unites us in the oneness of all. Here, in-between the edge where the infinite and finite meet, who we once thought we were comes undone. And it is in this mechanism of slowing down and pausing in the still point of the fulcrum that — if we dare to open to the momentum flying us forward and simultaneously pulling us back — we can truly and directly experience the fuller essential expression of our true self. It is here, at this edge, that — if we pause long enough to receive the gifting of these subtleties of essence the energies animating our soul — we can perceive their medicine acting upon us, rendering us authentic by dismantling any false structure of identity.

And if we dare to accept this dance and allow it to move us, the gift given is beyond price. For what we are given is life. Not any kind of life. This is life as love co-creating itself, authoring itself… bright, flowering, and alive. It is an essential life, not the frenzied, feverish, or depressed way one feels when trying to catch up with or chase after life. But rather there resides within us a deep calm and depth of quietude, the infinite expanse of peace and assurance that arise from confiding in spirit. We are bestowed with a direct experience of spirit, and no force is more powerful than that of pure unconditional love.

From unadulterated loving truth, the subtle flirtation of one’s essence whispers its love song. We respond, inviting awareness to open our eyes, to savor the scent, caress the intangible, and soar in her grace. These gifts of being are infinitely bountiful. And once we bow to her glory and step onto her magic carpet, our life will never be the same.

And so, breathe with love into the quiet center. Remember who you are at this moment in time, on this earth, as a hu-man being; you are the essence of the essence of love. It is here that you have an opportunity to directly know the true love that you be. To fully embody the wholeness of your God-given capacity, then, is to experience the intrinsic nature of unity.


About Author

Kim Lincoln, founder of the Terrain of Essence Teachings, weaves neuroscience and ancient mysticism, synthesizing principles of somatic reeducation, trauma resolution, quantum mechanics, and the subtle anatomy of our soul's essential nature. Her passion is that through each individual’s awakening that we as a collective whole experience evolutionary change for the benefit of all. Learn more: and . Kim Lincoln will be presenting at Women of Wisdom, March 24-27, .

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