Tips for Staying Calm in the Current Storm, from a California Wildfire Survivor


Our world is in the midst of an unprecedented natural disaster. What road map do we have for finding the inner strength and peace of mind we need to make it through?

Nurse, life coach and author Mary Odgers lost her home and a lifetime of memories to a 2008 California wildfire. She knows what it feels like to weather a devastating storm. She also has much wisdom to share about how to keep calm, make it through and find sunlight on the other side.

Mary’s memoir about her journey during and after the California wildfires is Six Funerals and a Wedding. She offers these tips for staying calm and grounded right now:

Maintain a routine
The disruption of routines can make anybody irritable. Maintain the comfort of routines by seeking new ways to keep your usual things going — online yoga classes, anyone? — or creating new routines altogether.

Limit screen time
We are all hungry for information. But there’s so much out there.  It’s easy to get overwhelmed and confused, then feel disempowered. Set clear limits and stick to them.

Physical activity helps burn the extra energy that comes with transition and dealing with crisis and loss. Gym closed? Get creative in your home or outdoors.

What talents of yours can bring people joy right now? Can you teach those online yoga classes? Lead a video writing workshop or book club? Now’s the time to open up, connect and share your gifts.

Help others
It will ease your mind and give you strength.

Accept grief and uncertainty
If you’re experiencing grief, anger and anxiety, don’t resist. Accept it for what it is and let it run its course.

Nobody knows when this crisis will pass, but do remember: eventually, it will. Building strength and serenity today will help create more beauty in the moment, and the future.


About Author

Mary Odgers is a writer, registered nurse of 22 years, and life coach, whose default view of the world is through the lens of optimism. She relishes walks along the beach, swimming in the ocean, cooking, traveling the world, and the company of her two grown sons, extended family, and loving friends. Her book, “Six Funerals and A Wedding” is available on Amazon.

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