End of Year Thoughts


Well, what a year it has been. It is difficult to believe that 2021 is already just about over; it feels like it just started. If you can, take some time this week to mull over the last 12 months. Jot down the things that worked for you and the things that could have gone better. Congratulate yourself on the first and forgive on the latter.

How do you want 2022 to be different for you? What do you need to do to facilitate this occurring? Yes, miracles happen and life is full of magnificent surprises. I have learned, however, that surprises and miracles happen more frequently when we cooperate with and support them.

Write down how you want your life to be different.

Write down what you need to do to participate in making this so.

Now live each day as if it has already happened with joy and gratitude in your heart.

Let it go and live, love, and laugh.

I wish you a fabulous 2022!


About Author

Krysta Gibson is publisher of “New Spirit Journal” as well as an author, spiritual teacher and mentor. To learn about her various services and programs visit anoasisforyoursoul.com .

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