Try Something New Every Day


try-something-newIn week four of the six-week course I teach, Superconscious Living by J. Donald Walters, it is suggested that we do something new every day during the upcoming week. It always surprises me that when this is introduced, people have big question marks over their heads. What do you mean, they invariably ask?

Krysta Gibson

Krysta Gibson is an author, workshop leader, consultant, and publisher of New Spirit Journal.

give them examples. Drive or walk a different way to work. Go to the market and look at the fruits and vegetables; buy and eat one you’ve not eaten before (this is how I got introduced to star fruit). Go to websites outside your areas of interests and read articles about topics you don’t usually think about. Wear colors you don’t usually wear. Listen to music outside your comfort zone. Draw or paint a picture. Write a poem. Try a new aspect of your hobby; for me, it might mean learning a new crochet stitch or coloring with a color I usually bypass. Try a different meditation technique or yoga pose.

With some suggestions, the students understand they are being encouraged to open themselves to aspects of life and of themselves they have not experienced before. What does this have to do with living superconsciously? Everything.

Our superconscious is our soul-self, our God-self, the part of ourselves that is intimately connected to the energy of universal creation and expansion, to joy, to health and healing, to prosperity and abundance, to life. When we can connect with this aspect of ourselves and dwell there, live from there, life is ever-new, ever-expanding joy.

Doing something new every day is one way to gently crack open this doorway to living larger, more expansive, true lives. Why not give this a try this week, do something new every day and see what happens to your creativity, your energy, your sensitivity to life itself. Just think: if you do this every day for the next year, by this time in 2017 you’ll have tried 365 new things!  Let me know what happens!


About Author

Krysta Gibson is publisher of “New Spirit Journal” as well as an author, spiritual teacher and mentor. To learn about her various services and programs visit .

1 Comment

  1. Prof.( Mr ) Suhas Patwardhan ( INDIA ) on

    It is true that we must do something new everyday which we have never done before out of fear,indifference
    or lack of interest. Change is the law of nature. Man being an indivisible part of Nature seeks change but is
    reluctant to take a diversion. Doing new things, meeting new unfamiliar people,reading new books /periodicals,
    Be in tune with Nature. There is abudance of joy provided by Nature. Nature too is ever changing. Attain
    happiness by exploring newer and avnues of untrodden paths .