How Do You Want to Feel?


If you’ve studied the works of Wayne Dyer or Abraham, you are probably familiar with the teaching of focusing on how you want to feel. Although it is important to be aware of our feelings in the present moment and not be in denial about feeling lousy if that is the way we feel, what’s also true is we can alter our circumstances by asking how do we want to feel and then moving in that direction. (Gee, that was a long sentence.)

Krysta Gibson is an author, workshop leader, consultant, publisher of New Spirit Journal, and host of “Keeping It Real.”

How do you want to feel? Happy? Joyous? Beautiful? Handsome? Successful? Powerful? Spiritually aware? Loved? Loving?

Now, what would you need to do in order to feel that way? Usually this involves a change in attitude more than it does some sort of physical activity. Whatever it is that will support your feeling the way you want to feel, do it now. Focus on what’s right in your life that helps you feel the way you want to feel.

Or… if you want to keep feeling lousy, focus on all the things that are wrong in your life and all the reasons you have to feel lousy. It’s your choice.

Even though mainstream thinking does not agree, it is not necessary to be the victim of our circumstances. We can acknowledge the physical reality of our lives, decide how we want to feel and be, and then move in that direction. As we enter the holiday hustle and bustle and everything that comes with that, this is the perfect time to take charge of our own lives and make them be what we want them to be rather than what others might wish for us.

This starts and ends with answering the question, “How do I want to feel?” and then making it so.


About Author

Krysta Gibson is publisher of “New Spirit Journal” as well as an author, spiritual teacher and mentor. To learn about her various services and programs visit .

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