Everyday Miracles


Thank you, Kathy, for sharing your insights and wisdom with our readers. We will miss having your writing here at New Spirit Journal as we stop publishing at the end of December. If you would like to continue reading Kathy’s work, please sign up for her email list at http://www.Warrior-Priestess.com – Krysta Gibson

Once upon a time there were people who saw miracles every day and everywhere.

Kathy Wilson is a noted spiritual teacher and mentor, and author of many books and articles. http://www.Warrior-Priestess.com

Then one day their high priest, a man who believed that miracles were too important and too powerful to be experienced by the common folk, announced that their god had decided miracles would only be seen by special people… like himself, for example. They were taught to believe that only those who were living absolutely sinless lives could see a miracle as a reward from their god.

This was real frustrating to their god, who thought that such things as grass growing in the Earth, the tide ebbing and flowing, clouds floating along in the sky, and birds singing to be some mighty fine miracles in and of themselves.

As the years passed, the list of sins grew until only those who were at the level of a high priest were deemed worthy of seeing a miracle. The result was that the miracles had become less and less frequent until they stopped completely. Nobody in the entire world had seen a miracle in hundreds of years. Miracles had become as extinct as the Dodo bird.

Many sad, dark years passed.

“What happened to our miracles?” people would ask each other with distress in their voices.

No one had an answer.

“Where are the miracles?” they asked their god.

There was no answer.

Then one day a child watched a butterfly hatching from its cocoon. As it struggled to emerge from the soft whiteness of the private place where it had transformed from an ugly caterpillar to become a beautiful butterfly, the child had the thought that what she was watching was a miracle. She watched as the butterfly flew away to search for nourishment from the throats of flowers where nectar was stored. Then the child jumped up and ran home to excitedly share her experience with her parents.

So great was her vision and understanding of this event, that she was able to awaken her parents to this everyday miracle.

With their new awareness, her parents began to look around their world and as they did so, they noticed miracles happening everywhere… the love in each other’s eyes, the sound of their children’s laughter, the warmth of the sun on their skin, moths dancing in the light at night, the perfection of a single flower petal.

They began to share their new awareness of the miracles around them with their friends and neighbors. Soon everyone in their entire village was noticing everyday miracles. As they traveled to other towns and villages they shared their new practice of noticing everyday miracles with others, who then shared their awareness of miracles with others.

It wasn’t long before the practice of noticing everyday miracles spread over the entire world. As the people began to become aware of their everyday miracles, they saw them more and more.

At last, they had found their miracles. They stopped asking each other and their god where the miracles were. Their world became brighter and happier.

And their god smiled.

What everyday miracles are around you, just waiting for you to notice them?


About Author

Kathy Wilson is a noted spiritual teacher and mentor, Certified Professional Coach, Reiki Master, Advanced PSYCH-K Practitioner, Yang Tai Chi Instructor, co-creator of The Interdimensional 12 Strand DNA Activation, and author of many books and articles. To discover more about Kathy and the products and services she offers, and to sign up for her newsletter, please visit her website: http://www.Warrior-Priestess.com .

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