How’s Your Follow-Through?


Lots of times we have ideas and plans for ways we can better our lives. We set out full of enthusiasm as we begin a class or project. Then a little ways down the road, we find ourselves on a totally different track. Sometimes this is because it was time to walk a different road. Other times, it’s because we got distracted and lost our ability to follow-through.

Krysta Gibson is an author, workshop leader, consultant, publisher of New Spirit Journal, and host of “Keeping It Real.”

Not long ago, I received an email from someone wanting to know if we had any openings for employees. I said that we didn’t. However, I suggested that the person send me her resume because we might hire within the year.

She never responded. Not a thank you. No resume. Nothing. No follow-through. There was no immediate job opening so she had no further interest in discussions with me. Will I hire the person should she surface at some point? No. She has shown me she lacks follow-through and I want employees who follow-through.

As some of you know, I recently relocated to Arizona. Selling our home and buying a new one was fraught with challenges, apparent dead ends, and times when we felt like giving up. We were committed to the process, however, and dealt with each setback and challenge as best we could. Some days I felt like a karate expert bobbing and swaying to avoid the unavoidable attacks while dealing some blows of my own.

Look at your different projects. What state are they in? Are there some you started and then abandoned? Why? Because they were no longer valid or because you lacked the will to follow-through?

Every project hits bumpy spots. Most projects take time to complete. Don’t be one of the people who gives up at the first hint of a challenge or who isn’t willing to stick with things through to the end. Be a person with stick-to-itiveness; you won’t regret it!


About Author

Krysta Gibson is publisher of “New Spirit Journal” as well as an author, spiritual teacher and mentor. To learn about her various services and programs visit .

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