Live in a Complaint-Free Zone!


How often do you complain or whine about people, things, or conditions in your life? Even if you don’t complain out loud for others to hear, do you find yourself complaining within the safety of your own mind?

May I suggest you declare your mind and your life a complaint-free zone?

I know, some people say it is good to complain in order to get things off their chest. Or they say it isn’t healthy to swallow our feelings. We need to express ourselves, especially when things are tough. Are they right?

Krysta Gibson

Krysta Gibson is an author, workshop leader, consultant, publisher of New Spirit Journal, and host of “Keeping It Real.”

There’s a difference between denying the physical reality in which we find ourselves and complaining about the reality in which we find ourselves. In the first case, we are merely stating, “This is where I am. I might not like it, but it is where I am. Now I can move forward from here.”

The second case is when we say, “This is where I am and I hate it. It is an awful place to be. Who caused me to be here? Let me tell you why it is so bad….”

In the second case, we’re not only judging the situation in which we find ourselves but we are solidifying the judgment by repeating it and sharing it with others. We are not making any effort to move forward. We are only digging the hole deeper.

If you are brave, decide to observe yourself for 24 hours and see how often you complain to yourself or to others. You might be amazed at how often you do this. Then, if you are really brave, declare your mind and your life a complaint-free zone. You might lose a few friends over this, but you will gain peace of mind and a new ability to manifest the life you want for yourself!


About Author

Krysta Gibson is publisher of “New Spirit Journal” as well as an author, spiritual teacher and mentor. To learn about her various services and programs visit .

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