Signs of Sexuality in the Face


lipsA big part of my work with face reading is about helping people establish healthy, loving relationships of all kinds. With romantic connections, a big factor can be how compatible a couple might be sexually. If you know what to look for, there are signs in someone’s face that tell you about how strong their sex drive is, and even what their sexual “style” is likely to be.

Jean HanerThese kinds of insights can help you understand so much about your romantic partner, and create a more spacious place for each of you to be within the relationship.

Chin: For instance, a prominent chin indicates a strong sex drive. The size of the chin directly correlates to the level of the male sex hormone testosterone in the body. In other words, the larger the chin, the more testosterone, and thus a stronger sex drive. A Western scientific study even validated what Chinese face reading has said for centuries: It found that women with strong chins not only had a higher sex drive but were more likely to be unfaithful in a relationship, because just one partner couldn’t satisfy them.

Related: Sexual Energy is Creative, Joyful, Fulfilling

Of course this doesn’t mean everyone with a big chin cheats. But if your partner has a prominent chin, this may give you a new understanding about your sex life together, and these insights can enhance your relationship overall.

Brow bone: The size of the brow bone is also affected by testosterone (this is why men tend to have larger brow bones than women). The message the brow bone conveys is the intensity of that person’s desire to dominate ; the more prominent the brow bone, the more that person wants to be in charge sexually, and that can lend itself to problems if their partner isn’t willing to be submissive.

As for sexual “style,” there are five general types.

Don’t Go! The Cuddler:

You recognize this type when your attention is most drawn to their full lips or large mouth, plump lower cheeks and/or fleshy nose. Here we have someone whose favorite part of sex may well be the cuddling afterwards. They can be very giving lovers, putting their partner’s needs ahead of their own, and they form a deep bond and sense of closeness with their beloved. But if their partner doesn’t like to “spoon” all night, there may have to be some negotiations.

I Can’t Resist You! The Obsessed:

If you’re gazing at a face with a domed forehead, large earlobes, big chin, and/or shadowed under-eyes, don’t be surprised to discover a trapeze in their bedroom. This is an adventurous lover, who likes to explore unusual sexual techniques and positions. Sometimes they struggle with monogamy because they have such a strong need for freedom in life. But conversely, they can get so swept away in sexual feelings they become obsessed with you, so if the relationship ends, they may have a very hard time letting go. At the extreme, this type has the most potential to turn into a stalker.

Let’s Do It! The Sex Machine:

When you see a face with a big jaw and full eyebrows, you may also notice indented temples and a rectangular face shape – and if that’s what you’re looking at, brace yourself –you’ve got a sex machine. This is someone with a powerful drive and for whom sex is a very important part of (everyday) life. They look at it as a healthy and necessary outlet, and whenever they’re stressed, they find that sex is the relief they want. If their partner doesn’t have the same level of need, this can be a big source of frustration for them both.

Love Me, Love Me, Love Me! The Flirt:

You can see this type in a face that has an extra twinkle in their eyes, dimples, sharp points to their features (for example, pointed nose), and/or red or very curly hair in either gender, or for men, balding from the forehead back. Here you’ve got a romantic lover, someone who’ll write you poetry, bring you flowers and love to have spontaneous mad, passionate sex, though they may be a bit selfish in lovemaking. But the biggest problem is that they’re hopeless flirts and yet can be very jealous if you even glance at someone else.

I Need My Space! The Sensitive:

If your sexual partner has a large boney nose, prominent upper cheeks, and/or concave lower cheeks you may have someone who wants to roll over and sleep on their side of the bed after sex. They may tolerate your touching them as you sleep but they’d much prefer to have their own personal space. And frankly, their true desire is probably to have separate bedrooms altogether. It’s not that they don’t love your touch, it’s that they’re actually very sensitive to others’ energy and may be stressed by too much closeness for too long. But these are also highly sensual lovers and very sensitive to your needs, so it’s well worth your giving them their space later on.

Any combination of sexual styles can work; success depends on each partner’s awareness of who the other person really is and why they are that way. As always, the less we can be lost in judgment and the more we can move into acceptance, the more easily we can give and receive love, in many ways.


About Author

Jean Haner, the author of The Wisdom of Your Face, The Wisdom of Your Child’s Face and Your Hidden Symmetry, teaches compassionate and affirming ways for you to understand your true nature and to look with love at everyone in your life, including that reflection in the mirror. With her 30 year background in ancient Chinese principles of balance and health, Jean is well known for providing fun, fascinating and practical information that can be put to immediate use in your life. Learn more at

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