When Food is Comfort


When Food is Comfort review by Krysta Gibson, New Spirit JournalWhen Food is Comfort
Nurture Yourself Mindfully, Rewire Your Brain, and End Emotional Eating
by Julie M. Simon
New World Library

I’ve always heard that emotional eating is eating when you aren’t hungry. If that is true, there are a lot of emotional eaters in the world. This book can help you learn how to rewire the brain and practice internal self-nurturing. The book is divided into three parts.

Part one discusses how we develop self-regulation or the ability to manage emotions, moods thoughts, impulses and behaviors. Part Two offers seven skills that make up inner nurturing. And part three gives strategies for attracting nurturing others into our life as well as four habits to cultivate in order to better nurture others.

The book is written with a lot of empathy and understanding with no hint of shaming or encouraging the readers to make big changes overnight. In fact, When Food is Comfort encourages taking one’s time, practicing the new skills given, and being patient. It is a breath of fresh air to read a book about eating and food that doesn’t just repeat what everyone knows: eat more fruit and vegetables and move more! Instead, this book gives a step-by-step way to change at the deepest level possible and let those changes inform further behavior changes that can flow naturally rather than being imposed from the outer world.


About Author

Krysta Gibson is publisher of “New Spirit Journal” as well as an author, spiritual teacher and mentor. To learn about her various services and programs visit anoasisforyoursoul.com .

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