Are You Morally Superior?


Recently, someone accused me of feeling morally superior to Republicans. Let me explain how this happened. In addition to articles such as this one that I call Wednesday Inspiration (because I email them to my readers Wednesday mornings), I have an online newsletter devoted to the use of crystals and just started another one called Luminosity! Both can be found at .

Krysta Gibson is an author, workshop leader, consultant, publisher of New Spirit Journal, and host of “Keeping It Real.”

I started Luminosity! because I felt the need for a place where I could share my opinions about social issues. Of necessity this runs over into political comments. The column I was criticized for is called Are You Frustrated? and I think the section being commented on was this:

I try to live my life by accepting what’s going on and allowing the Universe to take the lead. But I have to be honest and say when it comes to the far right folks and the current Republican leadership, it is getting more challenging. I find myself wondering how far will Divine Mother let things go before she puts on the brakes… because She will… one way or the other.

I went on from there, getting a bit more colorful in my choice of words. The person who wrote to me had several negative things to say. The one that stuck in my mind was the one where they said I felt morally superior to others. When I wrote the person back, I said I didn’t feel that way at all. But I do disagree strongly with many positions taken by the far right Republicans. I was very clear that I was not talking about classical Republicans.

Later, however, the interchange stuck with me and I asked myself, “Do I feel morally superior to these folks?” That morphed into, “Do I feel morally superior to murderers? To thieves? What about rapists? Do I feel morally superior to anyone?” I did some homework only to discover that this terminology has been being used about Republicans who are attempting to legislate their mortality onto others and it has been an ongoing discussion since 2004. I am late to this party, I guess.

No, I am not trying to legislate my sense of morality onto others. I am not trying to legislate anything other than maintaining the Constitutional rights of all Americans, basic rights such as the right to vote. If this makes me morally superior, so be it.

I also believe it is better not to murder, rape, and steal. I do not judge myself better than people who do those things. I do think I am making better choices than they are and I do send them positive energy to support them in being able to make better choices in the future.

This whole interchange did underscore something for me and it is this. Words matter and when we decide to toss words around, we would be best advised to think twice before speaking or writing. I do my best to clarify what I say and write and will continue to say what I mean and mean what I say!


About Author

Krysta Gibson is publisher of “New Spirit Journal” as well as an author, spiritual teacher and mentor. To learn about her various services and programs visit .


  1. I think it was Shakespeare who said, “Methinks thou dost protest too much.” implying that those who protest about what others say are guilty of that which they protest against. One of the most important premises that this country was built on is freedom of speech. If a person doesn’t like what you have to say there’s nothing forcing them continue to listen to you. They can just go away.