Two More Weeks


2017New Year’s Day is two weeks from today. How can it be that 2016 is just about gone? How was the past year for you? Do you feel good about what you accomplished? About who you grew into? Any regrets? Any “if onlys” hanging around?

Do you feel hopeful about the upcoming year? Have you started thinking about your plans for 2017?

May I suggest that you set aside some time to think about these questions and maybe write your answers down. Be honest with yourself. After all, this is for your eyes only.

Krysta Gibson is an author, consultant, workshop leader, and publisher of New Spirit Journal.

Krysta Gibson is an author, consultant, workshop leader, and publisher of New Spirit Journal.

Based on how the last year has gone, where do you want to go in the next 12 months? Now is an excellent time to make decisions and plans. Don’t let yourself get so embroiled in the holidays that you forget to take some retreat time for yourself.

There are hundreds of books that will tell you the surest way to fail is to fail to plan. Studies have shown that some of the things successful people have in common is that they write down their goals, make plans, and keep records of what does and doesn’t work. People who don’t succeed tend to not write down their goals, not make plans, and not keep records of what does and doesn’t work.

Hmmm… wonder which model it would be best to follow?

Here’s a question you might want to ask yourself now and several times a day: Is this what I want to invest my time and attention on right now? Right now can mean this moment, this day, this week, month, year, or lifetime.

If your answer is “no,” isn’t it time to make new plans for yourself?


About Author

Krysta Gibson is publisher of “New Spirit Journal” as well as an author, spiritual teacher and mentor. To learn about her various services and programs visit .

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